Thursday, December 14, 2017

Five Good Things That Might Come Out of The Disney/Fox Buyout

Before I get things underway I just want to make one brief political comment. I know things are...hectic now but that doesn't mean that the fight is over. If anything, this should inspire you to continue the fight. Continue spreading the word and continue to vote. Heck, if you vote the right person in then perhaps something can be fixed.

Never give up the fight.

As to the main topic at hand. It appears that Disney is pulling a Vince McMahon towards the film industry. This time the company that they've bought is Fox's movie assets. I can understand why people are going to be concerned. Fox's X-Verse is doing a better job with their films, more than DC/WB has been at the moment. And the primary concern is that we might not see as many R-Rated superhero materials.

There's even a worse case scenario, Disney could end up being lazy with their storytelling regarding the MCU. I have seen the consequences of not having competition.

Yet there is something we could possibly look forward to with this buyout. And today I'm going to list the top 5 reasons why we should be looking forward to X-Men & F-4 in the MCU. Why Top 5? Because I can.

5. The Fantastic Four Comes Back Home

Let us be honest with ourselves, Fox just couldn't do anything right with the Fantastic Four property. Fant4stic went beyond epic fail. Yet with their return to the MCU it means we might finally see some epic adventures across the world and through space. It would also be good to see a superhero married couple within the MCU. Something that the MCU doesn't have as of late.

4. Doctor Doom

With all the talk about Marvel's villain problem, Doctor Doom could be the step in the right direction. We might finally see a Masters of Evil Arc in the MCU with Doctor Doom being the villain that puts the band together.

3.The X-Men Might Be A Separate Universe

I have one possible theory. Say Disney decides to take a break from The Avengers for awhile? This could give them time to start building the X-Men in a universe separate from the prime MCU. Much like how Supergirl is in a universe that is separate from the rest of the Arrowverse but can still have a few crossovers with the Arrowverse cast. By putting the X-Men with its own universe it gives the X-Men a chance to have its own identity.

2. The Fastball Special

We could finally see this live on the big screen!!!

1. A Good Rogue/Mystique For A Change

Because the two deserve better than what they're getting already.

Thursday, December 7, 2017

Why I Wont Invest In MCU's Spider-Man?

First off, it isn't because I've got some kind of  "emotional connection" with the Raimi Spider-Man films. As good as, the first two at least, are I find Toby's Spider-Man to be lackluster regardless of the fact that Marvel Fanatics speak of that version of the Spider-Man character like he's Christopher Reeve's Superman. And Toby's Spider-Man is no Reeve's Superman.

The key reason why I'm not going to bother looking at either Homecoming or anything involving MCU's Spider-Man is that MCU's Spider-Man is one giant contradiction to the Spider-Man character.

When Spider-Man was created by Stan Lee he was created as Stan Lee's answer to kid heroes. You see, Stan Lee hated sidekick heroes. So he created Spider-Man as a means to have the kid hero be his own man and not be dependent on another superhero. While providing a lesson on the true meaning of being a superhero.

Peter Parker wasn't a rich guy, he wasn't a guy born from another planet. He was an everyman. A smart everyman but still an everyman. Who'd have to work hard to earn what he got and never had anything handed to him on a silver platter. What does the MCU do with this version? Turn him into a sidekick and give him a costume that was made by Tony Stark. They might as well call him Iron Kid while they're at it. Case en point the MCU turned Peter Parker into a sidekick. To make matters worse, they made him kinda dumb.

It's like the MCU took away what made Peter Parker such an inspiration and turned him into some bland hipster superhero sidekick. Hell, last time I've checked, Marvel Comics turned him into a wannabe Tony Stark. It's like turning Batman into someone that isn't Batman.

But yeah, I'm not going to invest in the MCU's version of Peter Parker and quite frankly I'd be a little concerned what the MCU could do to the X-Men if things go their way on the Fox movie and tv buyout. I wouldn't be too concerned about the Fantastic Four. After the trainwreck that was Fant4stic not even Disney could make a F-4 movie just as bad.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

John Wick Chapter 2

To quote Max Landis; "They don't make action movies like this anymore"

Keanu Reeves is the action hero that we deserve. And I even put it up there with Empire Strikes Back levels of quality.

That is all. A+ and money worth spending. Go see the movie because you'll have a great time. And between this and Split 2017 is shaping up to be a promising year movie wise.

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Why Rey Joining The Darkside Is What The New Trilogy Needs

The title alone should be an indication of what the topic is about.

Everyone and their own mother have speculations as to how the new trilogy is going to end. Even Jeremy got his two cents in. Well today I'm going to provide my own theory as to how the new trilogy could end.

In the original trilogy, it was about Luke bringing balance into the force by having the light side achieve victory. In the new trilogy imagine how ballsy it would be if Rey did the opposite? Cause when I think of bringing balance into the force it's not due to favoring one side over the other. No. It's about looking at both sides of the equation and realizing that both sides have it's negatives but they both have it's positives.

What I would like to see is Rey figuring out a way to have the light and dark side of the force become one. Use both sides to defeat Snoak. If Star Wars had taught me anything it's that the original trilogy tells us that Obi-Wan's old Jedi methods are a little dated and it's time for the Jedi teachings to be updated a little. The same should go for Luke.

Look at it like this. Would you want the new trilogy to end in the same manner the original trilogy did? Or would you want the new trilogy to shake things up a little but in a good way? Just think of where Rey embracing The Dark & Light Side of The Force could do for future adaptations? If this new trilogy has any chance of being as timeless as the original trilogy then this is the direction it needs to go. The Grey Side of The Force.

Monday, January 30, 2017

Why An Original Superhero Cinematic Universe Is What We Deserve

Spoiler warning for those who haven't seen Split, to those who haven't, what the fuck are you waiting for? Go see the fucking movie! It's worth it.

Now I'm sure most of you have already spoiled yourself on the twist of the film. And the twist is that it's taken place in the same universe as Unbreakable. So if one has to get technical, M.Night has jumped on the superhero universe bandwagon. But what sets this apart from the more mainstream ones like Marvel and DC it's that it's not adapted from a comic book. This is only adapted from the director's imagination.

The more I look at this the more I want to see original superhero movies reach a boom period. The closest mainstream one is The Incredibles but nothing much came after that. Yeah, we are having Incredibles 2 but it seems like Pixar is dragging their feet with that. Meanwhile, they're producing Cars 3.  So Pixar can produce a franchise that nobody with a brain cell wanted yet refuse to capitalize on the superhero boom and make a franchise out of The Incredibles? *eye-roll*

Anyways I can think of a few good reasons as to why there should be more original superhero movies. For one the filmmakers don't have to worry about the pressures that fall under adapting a superhero comic. Second it gives filmmakers enough creative freedom to do whatever they want with their original superhero cinematic universe. And finally it gives the audience alternatives outside of DC and Marvel.

If there is anything I'd like to see come out of the buzz Split is getting is it will inspire other directors to come up with their own superhero universe, that isn't based off of a comic or a novel.

To Quote A Critic: Supergirl Makes It Look Easy Sometimes

Superhero adaptations, especially in film, have it hard when it comes to balancing lightheartedness and drama. The MCU has showcased that too much of the former just taints any dramatic suspense when its characters can't go a scene without cracking a joke. The DCEU showcased that too much of the latter makes you question if it's trying to be like Game of Thrones or The Walking Dead when it comes to Grimdark and cynicism. Then you have Arrow. Nuff Said.

Yet Supergirl shows that optimism and fun can be used if used properly. Supergirl is the kind of series that isn't embarrassed by its superhero tropes. In a way, it embraces it. It introduces both Martian Manhunter and M'Gann. Not a fan of either but I did find the inclusion intriguing.

I also find the Supergirl character adorable and likable. Which is a refreshing change of pace as it would seem that Kara and the series is hardly talked about. Less so than Oliver and Arrow but in the age of the Internet, negativity attracts more than positivity. Is it fair? No. But it's the way it is unfortunately.

Season 2 was considered an improvement and I'm glad they dropped the romance subplot. But it's a CW show now so another one will pop up soon.

I hope Supergirl continues the momentum it's getting.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

I've Got You My Pretty

A common trope that has been used in fiction. Whenever a villain has the hero or heroine in his/her clutches the villain would usually do something suggestive. Case en point in the Power Rangers movie.

Maybe it's because I like to give my protagonist characters a WTF?! moment but if I were writing that scene I'd extend that by having Rita go even further than YAY. I'd have her lean forward and give a long suggestive lick. Because: I can totally see Rita doing that to Trini just to get in her head and because that's how she roll.